One on one movement sessions

In person and online

Move with the life that you have into the life you imagine.

Precise touch and gentle movement to re-wire your brain for easeful optimal movement and function. Activate your innate learning capacity and readiness for change.


Are you tired of paying people to “fix” you?

Your body is your most valuable untapped resource of intelligence and inspiration. When we train our attention to notice what we're doing, through gentle novel movement, we begin to unravel the habits of a lifetime that get in the way of us doing what we want.

Movement sessions are a practical approach of retraining our brains and bodies to work together harmoniously. Through simple shifts in our approach and thinking, we bring all the parts of ourselves into our awareness. This rewires our nervous systems, reducing pain and dysfunction, creating lasting change on a fundamental level.

We utilise The Feldenkrais Method® - a revolutionary system of learning based on principles of neuro-plasticity, body mechanics, physics and martial arts, developed by Dr Moshe Feldenkrais. Through awareness, play, novelty and rest, respecting the whole person that we are, we can change our brain to make incremental and sometimes dramatic improvements in our habitual patterns of movement.

The Feldenkrais Method offers us the knowledge, awareness and skills we need to move with the life that we have into a life that we we love.

For more about the benefits of The Feldenkrais Method visit the Resources page.

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One on one movement sessions coming again in 2024

I have been taking a break from movement sessions to devote time to raising our gorgeous daughter.

I still offer regular movement classes, and workshops periodically.

Watch this space for offerings in 2024, or sign up to my newsletter to receive updates.

Try out some of my free guided audio movement sessions here.

Your mind can change your body.

Your body can change your mind.



What does a session involve?

Sessions involve lying on a low padded table, fully clothed, and exploring together through gentle, precise movement and touch. This allows your body and nervous system to deeply relax, discover new possibilities, and to learn more functional ways of moving and being. We may explore lying down, sitting up, or standing, according to the nature of your situation and what will optimise your learning.

Where do we start?

First, we have a conversation and make some observations about what what you love to do, what you’re wanting to improve, and what might be getting in the way.
Then we explore movement in the context of you as a whole person - and how your movement can both reflect and support your views, beliefs, and sense of potential. We move slowly, opening to possibility and discovering new options, so that your brain begins to map a new version of your body - one that has increased its possibilities for movement and learning.
The results are often surprising!

Who is it for?

Because we use movement and awareness to re-wire the brain, one-on-one movement sessions will assist you to improve in whatever area you wish to focus on. Sessions can benefit people with a range of conditions, including injury recovery and rehabilitation, musculoskeletal dysfunction, brain injury, developmental disorders, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia, just to name a few.

It is used widely with people looking to improve performance in any given area such as artists, musicians, dancers, and sports people, both amateur and professional.

Feldenkrais is also a brilliant tool for anyone interested in meditation and mindfulness to deepen and refine your awareness and self understanding.

How much does it cost?

An initial consult is $100. These take approx. 1hr 15min

A Kick-starter bundle of 3 sessions is $240

A Lasting Change bundle of 10 sessions is $700

Follow up sessions for existing clients are $80.

Concession rates are available for those with limited income. Please get in touch.

How often should I come?

This will depend on your unique situation. I will generally recommend 2-3 sessions to start with, so we can kick-start your learning and healing process.

Follow up sessions are sometimes taken weekly or fortnightly, or whenever the need arises for you.

You should expect to engage in some home practice in between sessions to consolidate the learning and facilitate the integration process for maximum benefit.

This approach is most suitable for active learners - when you are motivated to learn not only “what” is going on, but “why” and “how”. New habits take time and effort to develop, but the results are well worth it. You will notice changes right away, and these will build on themselves and motivate you to keep developing these life-long, beneficial ways of moving and being.